
How to restore data from your 365fortress backup

Login to the portal

The process of restoring Exchange, OneDrive or SharePoint data is the same, in this example we are showing the steps required to restore Exchange data.

From the Dashboard click on the cog alongside your domain name, and select Restore Exchange, OneDrive Sharepoint depending on what you wish to restore:

Accept permissions when prompted

Connect to Microsoft 365

lick Connect and authenticate using your global administrator email address and password for Microsoft 365:


Now connected to your Microsoft 365 account click Next

Select account

Select the account you wish to restore data from and click Next

Select data to restore

In the left hand column choose the Date and the backup from that date (session time)you wish to restore from

In the middle column choose the item(s) you wish to restore or check the box alongside the username to restore the entire account. Use the search to help find the required item(s) if needed. (In this example a full mailbox restore has been selected)

Choose restore location

Choose from Auto-generated (sub folders will be created in the mailbox) or Original (data will be restored to original location) and click Next


A summary of your restore job will be displayed, if you are happy to proceed click Restore

You can now view the progress of your restore in the Job queue tab of your backup agent.